Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Crimson Fists Mk. II

Hello again internet,

Work is hectic, and I have been too busy to get in any games of 7th edition yet, but in the spirit of last weeks blog post i have some WIP's of my Crimson Fist Re-boot!

 And here you have it, the New model (left) and the old model

First thing I did was mock up some bases for a combat squad I have had kicking around.

 The finished bases with my chaplain in the background, awaiting his new fancy cork base

 And a few more random pics to round things off, I will be adding his squad markings and free-handing his chapter badge tomorrow and will post an update with the final product.

on the whole I am very happy, its a lighter color scheme that seems to pop a bit more than the old one, my only question though Is should I keep the red mowhawks?

Thanks for reading,


Monday, May 26, 2014

That moment you realized you are over halfway to collecting a full battle company of space marines....

Hello again internet,

so today I was sitting down looking over my collection of miniatures, taking stock if you will when I realized something kind of amazing.  I have five tactical squads.  that might not seem too huge, but it got me thinking about how close I really am to having a full battle company of marines on the table.  It wouldn't take that much effort and I think I could even fit it all into a 2000pt. list.

This was surprising to me in that I have only ever purchased two tactical squad boxes in my life along with just a few other kits.  so I hadn't ever stopped to think about just how large my primary army has gotten of late.  The other marines were given to me as gifts, or just handed off as a "I don't have space for them" sort of arrangement, or bartered for in return for various other units from old armies.

So I am sitting here now looking over the work I have done in the past two years since this army began and I have decided I need to do something about the shape of this army.  It has been two years, my painting skill has improved tremendously and as a result I am making a pledge to finally complete my Crimson Fists army to a level where I will feel comfortable selling them in the coming months.  I will post up pictures on here as I make progress but three months from today I pledge to have my Crimson Fists fully painted.

Thanks for reading,


Monday, May 19, 2014

Hello again internet, as promised I have started photographing my armies, and here is the first round of photos.  This is the start of my deathwing army, they are in various stages of completeness, with most of the models needing a final layer of highlights etc...

Deathwing Assault Squad

 Deathwing Squad 1 (missing one member)

 Deathwing Squad 1 (again)


 Belial (again)

Deathwing Knights 

 Deathwing Knights (again)

 pre-based assault cannon terminator

 Deathwing Squad 2 unpainted

 Deathwing Librarian

Deathwing Librarian back 


Beyond the single character models are my Belial counts-as, Deathwing Librarian, and Azrael counts-as.  The stormbolter and fist termies will eventually all go together in a big ten-man squad, while the assault terminators and the Deathwing knights will potentially be getting land raiders.  In addition to this I have another 9 black reach terminators that need stripped and re-painted.

Next up on the blog I will post a few WIP pictures of my girlfriends hot-pink eldar and a few pictures of my main army the Crimson Fists.

Thanks for reading,

Blog update

Hello again internet,

I've been busy getting done with school and moved out of my apartment and back into my parent's house for the Summer.  Sorry about the wait between posts, but I have a few things that will be coming up here on the blog shortly, including: My plans for the upcoming Sons of Horus Project, A few posts of Pictures from my current armies, a tutorial on how I paint Deathwing terminators, and a review of an RPG system I have been meaning to play more: Only War.

All fun stuff, pictures of my army collections should be going up either tonight or tomorrow if all goes according to plan.


Saturday, May 3, 2014

1000 pt. Imperial Fists Legion vs. The Pink Eldar Warhost

Hello again Internet,

As promised some 40k related content today, specifically a battle report from a game I played a few weeks ago.  I haven't been able to get in very many games lately as the end of the school year has been approaching, but I did have a chance to play against my friend Cody's legion Imperial Fists.

Now a few things to bear in mind, this is the first batrep I have ever written and I still have no access to a camera (something that is going to change here in the next couple weeks) so if you have any suggestions to make this better I would love to hear it down in the comments section.

First things first, the lists.  Cody was playing Forge World Legion Imperial Fists, something new and exciting, with lots of shiny resin on the field.  His list was roughly as follows:

legion Siege Breaker

Legion Tactical Squad x10 with Vexilla, Vox, and a rhino
Legion Tactical Squad x10 with Vexilla, Vox, and a rhino
Legion Support Squad x6 with Volkite Calivers and a rhino

Heavy Support:
Legion Heavy Support Squad x5 with missile launchers
Legion Medusa Artillery Tank

And representing my Girlfriends Eldar Warhost:

Farseer on bike with mantle of the laughing god

Dire Avengers x5 in a scatter laser wave serpent with holofields
Dire Avengers x5 in a scatter laser wave serpent with holofields

Fast Attack:
Swooping hawks x5

Heavy Support:
Fire Prism
Wraithknight-no upgrades (his name is Binky)

This was the first game I had played with the new Eldar codex and so was a little unsure of how to play them, we rolled off for mission and got The emperors will, and each placed an objective in our deployment zone.  Cody won initiative and chose to go first we were set up with hammer and anvil deployment.

Turn 1.

Cody went first as I failed to steal the initiative and moved up his rhino's before firing on Binky with everything in his force stripping off 1 wound from a krak missile, and stripping one hull point from the fire prism with a shot from the medusa.

On my turn I moved up the wave serpents on the left flank to intercept his rhinos, Binky moved up to center field and fired on the lead rhino wrecking it with an explodes result and killing 3 tactical marines inside.  the wave serpents fired and wrecked the other two rhinos, the farseer didn't do very much this turn, just twin linked the guns on the wraithknight with prescience.

Turn 2.

This is where I learned that Fury of the legion really hurts. Cody's first tactical squad passed their pinning test and closed to rapid fire distance from the wraithknight, the second tactical squad moved in and both used fury of the legion for something like 60-80 bolter shots and 5 krak missiles (from the heavy support squad) into Binky, this reduced him to 1 remaining wound.  The medusa finished off the fire prism, with a penetrating hit and an explodes result.  the caliver armed support squad fired at the lead wave serpent but failed to do anything.

The wave serpents moved in and attempted to shoot the full strength tactical squad only causing 1 wound.  the Farseer cast a 4+ invulnerable save (forewarning) and prescience on Binky who subsequently charged the full strength tactical squad. promptly killing one and loosing no wounds.

Turn 3.

the remainder of Cody's tac marines close with binky, as do the support squad, but fail to kill the wraithknight.

The wave serpents re-position, very badly almost costing me the game, swooping hawks deep strike behind Cody's medusa and binky falls to the mass of infantry attacking him.

Turn 4.

This is where I learned for the second time that fury of the legion is horrible.  Cody's missile launcher squad (who have tank hunters thanks to the siege breaker) fire on the lead wave serpent, downing it to one hull point, and his tactical squads fire another 60 shots into the rear armor of the other wave serpent, which is also brought down to one hull point.  In addition his medusa turns and heavy flamers the swooping hawks, killing the entire squad.

Things were looking really bleak for my eldar at this point in the game.  All I had left on the table was two wave serpents (1 hull point each) and a farseer to Cody's 15 tactical marines, 6 support marines, 5 missile launchers and medusa.

The first wave serpent jumps over the building the Medusa had been hiding behind all game for rear armor shots and the second moved onto the roof of the same building to deal with the heavy support squad.  In one turn both were wiped out, which also scored slay the warlord for the Eldar.  The Farseer cast prescience and forewarning on the dire avengers who had gotten out of one of the two wave serpents.

Turn 5.

Cody makes a mad-dash for his home objective to try and tie up the game in case it ends on turn 5, shoots some potshots at the wave serpents but causes no damage.

the second wave serpent moves in to claim Cody's objective, dropping off the remaining 5 dire avengers on it, both serpents and both squads fire and wipe out the contesting tactical marines and the game ends.

In summary this was one of the most tense games of 40k I have played in a long time, with both sides causing seemingly huge swings in the balance of power each turn.  I really thought once the wraithknight and the fire prism were dead I was done for, and I really underestimated the sheer amount of awesome contained in the wave serpents.  Cody's Fists will be back for a re-match before too long, as this was his first game with the legion rules he made a few mistakes and hadn't quite gotten the hang of the new army but I have learned that Fury of the Legion is one of the craziest rules I have seen in a long time, Cody was telling me some of his plans for 2000pts. One of which being to stick 20 tactical marines and a prescience librarian in a spartan assault tank, unload right in front of a unit and drop 80 twin linked bolter rounds in one turn, enough to wipe out pretty much anything it touches.  We will be doing a re-match at 1850 points in the near future and I promise to take pictures and maybe even video, to help clarify what is going on.  Final score Eldar: 6  Imperial Fists: 0.

Thanks for reading,

Friday, May 2, 2014

Tabletop Season 3 and RPG show

Hello again internet,

A bit of a random off topic post today to hold me over to the weekend.  Tabletop, a Youtube production created by Wil Wheaton and Felicia Day just got renewed for a 3rd season!  However this is not the biggest thing I am excited about...  They reached the $1,000,000 on their Indiegogo campaign and will be launching an RPG dedicated spin-off!

My friend Kristian and I had a bet running that it would be fully funded by this afternoon, so naturally we've been following it pretty closely.  Its great to see our community supporting a really great program from really dedicated people.

If you haven't watched tabletop before you should... Like right now.  Seriously I will even post a link to the page.


Exciting Stuff.


Saturday, April 26, 2014

I have a bit of an RPG addiction

Hello again internet,

I know, I know this page is called apachiie 40k, and this is not strictly 40k related... But what the heck

I was sitting at my apartment the other day pouring over a new character I had just rolled up for pathfinder... A drow fighter/Rogue.  I was looking through the equipment list trying to decide weather I should bring iron stakes or a flask of holy water with the last bit of space in my inventory when my girlfriend Paige walked in and said something to the effect of "you're addicted to RPG's now aren't you?" (She was joking of course, and is in fact very supportive of my hobbies).  This made me laugh but in all fairness I have to admit that I am.

I guess now would be a good time to state that this character isn't for an upcoming game, and I am almost always the GM'ing...  I rolled up a character purely because I wanted to do something RPG-related and we don't have a game planned this week to prep for.

Its interesting that I have finally caved and become so engrossed in role playing as I always swore that was something that was "too nerdy" when I was in high school.  A funny thought in retrospect seeing as I was playing Warhammer 40K on a weekly basis in my mom's basement.  So why did the appeal of tabletop RPG's finally hit me like the proverbial ton of bricks?  Because: College.  Its an easy way to forget about the stresses of grades and exams for an entire night without the hangover of getting belligerently drunk.  That's not to say no beer is involved in our game nights and that my friends and I don't still partake in the time honored tradition of bad decision making... but it is worth noting that RPG's really work in the college setting.

As a way to bring all your friends around to hang out for a few hours without getting bored, RPG's are unparalleled.  One of the biggest things I am going to miss about Pullman after the next few weeks is the fact that I can have a group of 5-6 people get together for an RPG night almost at a moments notice...  But college is swiftly coming to a close and things will get weird for a few months but I am confident that no matter where I end up I will always be able to find people to sit down for a good old fashioned dungeon crawl.

If you guys like me are Totally addicted to RPG's I have a few Youtube channels that you NEED to check out.  They are great and the content they put out is great.

A Fistfull of Dice

That's it for now guys, I will be back later this weeked with some 40k battle report stuff and updates on other general 40k stuff.

Thanks for reading,
